Wednesday, May 20, 2009

i wrote this story;

once a boy and girl fell in love, not with each other, but with each other's reflections.
 the girl preferred the perfect picture of the boy in the mirror, instead of the real boy. 
the boy also liked the flawless reflection rather than the real life girl. 
the girl cried warm tears and her hair was soft and sweet smelling. the boy had feathery eyelashes and strong muscles that could have carried her if she wanted.
but they only liked the crystal, cold reflections of each other that were untouchable. the mirror was icy and hard as their hands touched, both smiling in sync, mirror and lover, but never meeting the right pair of sparkling eyes. 


almond oats. said...

simple and beautiful.

antonia said...

you write perhaps even better than me

Illyrian said...
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